goalball player hurling ball
Goalball is one intense sport,
played wearing sleep shades.

Ways to enjoy the great Northwest

Movies and Dining Out

Enjoy an audio-described movie with your friends at SKB. We also visit a new restaurant once a month and provide them with large-print and braille menus.

Beep Baseball in Tacoma

In the spring and summer, enjoy competitive beep baseball with the Tacoma Tide.

Ski for Light

This organization provides transportation, sighted guides, and groomed trails for an awesome day of cross-country skiing. Would you like the chance to compete in Canada or Norway?

Find an audio described movie near you

Most theaters offer headsets with really well-done audio-description. Get to the theater a little early. Ask management to check to see if the headsets are working after the movie begins. Disney offers an app that lets you sync and hear audio-description with your iPhone.